Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How to Fall OUT of Love

"Why would anyone need to fall out of love?" you ask. Well, there are several answers: Your significant other fell out of love and left you emotionally stranded and miserable; the subject of your affection was never interested in a relationship with you in the first place and you are pathetically stalking them; you are staying with your significant other because you are so "in love" with him/her and it is putting you and/or others in danger; etc.

Falling out of love is easy... people do it everyday... which is why there is such a high divorce rate and why there are so many songs on the radio. "But we have such great "chemistry!" you whine. That may be true, but you will meet someone else with whom you have great "chemistry," too. (That is another reason the divorce rate is so high. Many people confuse "chemistry" with love. People who are in a committed relationship and who want to stay in love have to avoid other people they meet with whom they have great "chemistry.")

So, if it needs to be done, let's get to it. Here are some ideas to help:

*Stop thinking nice things about the other person, hereafter referred to as "Bullet"... because someday - hopefully soon - you will be glad you dodged them. ;)
Decide now on something else to think about when Bullet crosses your mind. You could think about a song, a movie you have seen (not with Bullet) or plan to see, a book you are reading, a hobby, planning your dream vacation or house, etc. Just choose something.
Minimize opportunities for reminders of Bullet. Take the the number out of your phone. Undo the internet networking contacts. Do not "just happen to be" where Bullet hangs out. Do not drive by Bullet's house/work, etc.

*Stop giving Bullet the benefit of the doubt. Let the irritating things Bullet does really irritate you. Do not assume that his/her intentions are honorable. If Bullet was inconsiderate, it was because Bullet did not consider you. If Bullet can't remember what is important to you, it is because it is not important to Bullet. (When was the last time Bullet couldn't remember something that was important to Bullet?) If Bullet forgot your date/birthday/anniversary it is because Bullet forgot you. (When is the last time Bullet forgot about something Bullet really cared about or wanted to do?) Get the idea?

*Do not go out of your way to be nice to Bullet. I'm not saying you should be mean. You shouldn't. However, be aware that LOVE is both a noun and a verb. When you do nice things for Bullet, you are loving Bullet. Being mean would require way too much thought and effort for someone whom you are not thinking about. Being nice would require way too much thought and effort for someone whom you are not thinking about. Don't be nice or mean.

*Every ending is another beginning. Get on with your life.